Whilst working for the local authority - I had a job at a lovely Georgian building in the centre of Exeter - although it came with its small idiosyncrasies, I have since realised that it added to the charm and was so much better than the alternatives. I worked with the fore-mentioned Debra who was a Receptionist and I was responsible for facilities, post, overseeing Reception, Fire Officer, First Aid - all that kind of stuff. Along with Debra's need to shout at anyone whose first language was not English, we seemed to find things to amuse us on regular occasions.
We got used to familiar delivery men and postmen and picked up each others work if it was needed. One morning Debra was sat at her desk and as I was passing the small hatch, when the postman arrived, I took over. The regular post had been delivered and this was one of the continuing stream of delivery men, who punctuated our day. He put his parcel down and started entering the information on the electronic reader that he carried. I smiled, said Good Morning and moved the parcel to the side of the hatch to enable me to sign the usual documentation.
Now before I continue - I have to explain that we were in the process of changing our name badges to the ones that were used over the rest of the Education department - these would carry our pictures and enable us to gain access via the smart readers located in various council buildings, and this must have been playing on my mind.
So when the delivery man looked up and said, No I need to scan that - I thought, for some reason, that he meant my name badge which was always pinned to my chest. So without much thought I pushed my non - inadequate bosom, through the hatch. The postman firstly looked confused and then horrified at the ever approaching bust and shouted - "No! Not that! - the parcel" ........ I could hear Debras explosion of laughter from behind and as the blush grew up my neck to my face - he rushed to leave, never to return.
Although, Debra did point out that 20 different men did .........
postman or bust it seems!